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Lexy has rising star quality

BTV Investment Principal, Lexy Prosszer, is a GCV Rising Star of 2023.

Lexy Prosszer is a GCV Rising Star

The sky’s the limit for our Investment Principal, Lexy Prosszer, who has been named a Rising Star 2023 by Global Corporate Venturing.

The annual award is given to the top 50 individuals to have joined the corporate venture capital community within the past five years, and represents the top 0.5% of the industry.

The rigorous selection process on the road to be named a Rising Star began with 20,000 other individuals, in more than 2,500 corporate venturing units worldwide, and ended with the final top 50.

As a team we’re all thrilled about this official recognition of Lexy’s talents.

Lexy was instrumental in the very set up of Btomorrow Ventures, after pitching the benefits of BAT founding a corporate venturing arm in 2018.

She also devised and runs BTV’s community-building platform, Binspired, for our portfolio companies, other investors and the wider innovation and venture community.

GVC writes:

Prosszer’s main focus at BTV is consumer beverages and cannabis-derived product developers. The latter was one of the first areas she looked at before the unit was formed, in addition to functional beverages. Her investments are concentrated in the US given the industries Prosszer targets, but she also looks for opportunities elsewhere, from Australia to Eastern Europe.

Speaking about her business ethos, Lexy says:

I believe in the power of knowledge, networking and helping each other out. I always tell my portfolio companies to share learnings, learn from each other and from each other’s mistakes.

Our MD, Juan M. Palacios, speaking on behalf of the whole BTV team, says:

Lexy is a dynamic, inspiring person. We always knew she had star quality but this recognition from GCV makes it official. Lexy has been an instrumental part of our team since day one. Our fund started with early-stage investments but has now grown to conduct greater series B deals and beyond. We have an exciting future ahead of us. I also want to recognise the fantastic team working behind the scenes supporting Lexy on the Binspired events, investments and portfolio management. Along with Lexy, they have all played a key role in the success of BTV.
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Past Team Member
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